About us

The MoreBUSINESS GmbH has stood for continuing education at the highest level for over 20 years.

Today, no one can rest on what was learned in school, because the foundation of our professional success is not just the knowledge we have acquired in our education and professional training, or workplace, but mainly from how successfully we expand our knowledge through further learning.

Our goal is to support you in this process to exploit your potential optimally. We place people in the centre.

For you this means:

  • Individual consultation
  • Tuning and matching the training content to your specific needs
  • Practical training
  • Small-group work and individual approach to each individual participant


Benefit from our experience and expertise!

Our training team

The individual’s professional expertises contribution to the success of the whole.

MoreBUSINESS GmbH consists of a 20-member networked and interdisciplinary team, which can act and react effectively when needed through its various components. Each coach is a specialist in his or her field. This ensures that the shared philosophy is applied with clear focus on cases of need, goals, and the best possible benefit of the client.


The Munich Education Forum is a network for continuing education and staff development. Through interdisciplinary exchange with renowned experts from science and practice, we are always informed about the latest developments in the continuing education and staff development of the future.
